Previous notes
This post is also available in: Catalan
- Once upon a time an explorer came across an old lady, or about the decay and death of a language
- From Manitas de Plata to Kendji Girac, the music of Catalan gypsies in France
- Is Catalan spoken on the London Underground?
- The Emmaus movement: A common mission in different languages
- Why save endangered languages, and What for?
- Etundi Etundi Ambroise. The Spokesman of the Evuzok (Cameroon) and other Maestros of the Spoken Word
- Remembering
- How do adoptees and the children of immigrants become Catalan?
- Finding the right place for languages in the community landscape: language conservation in interdisciplinary projects among the Kubeos in the Northwest Amazon
- The Ainu in Japan
- The Assyrians and Aramaic: Speaking the Oldest Living Language of the Middle East
- Linguistic ideologies in Japan
- The Road Forward for Endangered Languages: How Long, How Hard, and How Expensive?
- Culture: substance and idols
- Being Visible: Processions, Celebrations and Religious Protests in the Street
- ‘Lo latino’ in Barcelona: Young people, linguistic styles and identities
- Identity is not what it seems
- New uses of colloquial Arabic: A quiet revolution?
- Da multimodalidade das rezas contra o mau-olhado: covariações de texto e gesto
- The Crimean Tatars: Who they are and where they come from
- The languages of the poets in northern Egypt
- Over the rainbow
- Alghero’s Catalan in Perspective
- What is language revitalization about? Some insights from Provence
- Measuring sociolinguistic groups: The most significant transformations in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands
- Australia’s indigenous wordscape
- Parler de couleurs sans termes de couleurs
- Amerindian Silence
- Declin et résilience: les dilemmes de l’arménien occidental cent ans après
- What we say, and how we feel about it: Focus on Catalan in France
- Language Loss and Language Ideology in the Sepik Region of Papua New Guinea
- Frisian – Basque – Multilingualism
- Every Rose Has Its Thorns: Poetics and Linguistic Heritage
- Social media and the production of linguistic knowledge
- La mímesis lingüística: una dimensión desatendida de la diversidad lingüística mundial
- Interculturality and Musical Education
- The individual in language policy and management
- Intersubjectivity, Glitches, and Improvisation
- A rooster for Asklepios: the death and life of Socrates
- Vergangenheitsbewältigung und ihre sprachlichen Aspekte
- The first thing we do and the last thing we forget: Catalan phytonymy and popular knowledge, radiating to literature
- Turning pragmatics around: how to say things with objects
- New speakers, minoritized languages and decoloniality in Europe
- Rhetoric codeswitching and its interpretation in social interaction
- Hawaiian revitalization growth under quarantine
- A Personal Note – The Māori Language Landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2020
- Diversity and the Latin language
- The International Year of Indigenous Languages: a call for linguistic diversity
- Les langues d’Amazonie : la sociodiversité à la rescousse de la biodiversité
- Towards a New Language of the Global Language Crisis
- New speakers are building a future for the Sámi languages
- From gendered language to the discourse of far right politics
- My encounter with Hebrew
- Contemporary legends, fiction and reality in a global world
- Languages and Lingüístics: Scientific Paradigms and Hidden Devotions
- The Mentality of Linguistic Subordination and Spontaneity
- The inexpressible, expressed
- The State of Nature in Language Ideologies
- The world of castells and the construction of a reimagined community
- El silbo gomero
- Linguistic Intolerance: The (e)Spanglish Debates
- One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022