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Manual of Catalan Linguistics

Date of publication: 2020

Series: Manual of Romance Linguistics, 25

Edited by: Joan A. Argenter and Jens Lüdkte

Publisher: Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter

Overview and Contents

Recensió del ‘Manual of Catalan Linguistics’ – Carles Duarte i Montserrat (Revista de Llengua i Dret, 9/07/2020)



Rejecting the Marginalized Status of Minority Languages

Editors: Ari Sherris and Susan D. Penfield

Publisher: Bristol, Multilingual Matters

Summary and other information



Review by Marilyn Lewis, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Asian EFL Journal, November 2020)



N’katela ifweln’uhu

Authors: Audelina Navarrete (Selis) i Zulma Keil

Date of publication: 2018

Publisher: Buenos Aires, Wichi Lhomet


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Tohanyajh tojh ipe hunhat: Tolhukwey kachal

Author: Alejandra Fabián…[et al.]

Date of publication: 2018

Publisher: Buenos Aires, Wichi Lhomet


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Tohnajh tenek

Author: Agustina Lorenzo/Alberto Lorenzo

Date of publication: 2017

Publisher: Buenos Aires, Wichi Lhomet


A Wichi story by Agustina Lorenzo based on a text by his father, Alberto Lorenzo. The tale narrates how the animals prepare a feast to celebrate the hatching of fruits at the Welas tojh Yachep (“moons of carob”). This is the time of the hatching of the fruits and the fishes after the winter.

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Els gitanos catalans de França. Llengua, cultura i itineraris de la gran diàspora [The Catalan Gypsies of France. Language, culture and itineraries of the great diaspora] 

Author: Eugeni Casanova

Date of publication: 2016

Publisher: Barcelona, Càtedra UNESCO de Diversitat Lingüística i Cultural de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans and Lleida, Pagès Editors, SL, 2016

Further information about the book and the autor

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imatge_portadaKU´VA CHACHI ÑIVI ÑUU CHIKUA´A, IYO YATI NDUTA ÑU´UN, ÑUU NDUVA / Jicayan people’s diet on the Oaxaca coast

Author: Josefa Leonarda Gonzalez Ventura

Date of publication: 2016

Publisher: Oaxaca, Centro Editorial de Literatura Indigena, A.C (CELIAC)


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Imatge_Nku_IfwelnUhuN’ku Ifweln’Uhu

Authors: Audelina Celis Navarrete; María de los Ángeles Merino; Zulma Keil

Date of publication: 2014

Publisher: Buenos Aires, Wichi Lhomet

Keywords: Children’s stories

Teaching material for the so-called bilingual intercultural education

An illustrated tale in Wichi language (Argentina), which shows an educational experience in a natural context: practicing a handicraft tradition of the Wichi’s culture: the making of the ‘chaguar’.

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Shi_vikoyepin_to_chinepi -baure-


Shi vikoyepin to chinepi=Vamos a contar cuentos en baure [We are going to tell a story in Baure]

Date of publication: 2014

Keywords: Children’s stories / Baure

The Baure people live in the Bolivian Amazon and their language is severely endangered under the pressure of Spanish. The book is aimed at both school aged children and the community. It contains 34 Baure narratives and six songs transcribed musically. The texts appear in Baure and Spanish and have been gathered all up from the last native speakers of the language. The book has been published with fine illustrations.

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00000079_FWALAFwala t’eñlo lahetenek

Authors: Audelina Celis Navarrete; Zulma Keil

Date of publication: 2014

Publisher: Buenos Aires, Wichi Lhomet

Keywords: Children’s stories

Picture book written in Wichi for lower primary school students in the area of environmental education.

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PolíticaLingüistica_GPortasPolítica lingüística i renovament pedagògic a Catalunya i a Sardenya=Politica linguistica e rinnovamento pedagogico in Catalogna e in Sardegna [‘Language policy and pedagogical renewal in Catalonia and in Sardinia‘]

Author: Giuliana Portas

Date of publication: 2012

Publisher: Dolianova, Grafica del Parteolla

Keywords: Sardinia – Language policy/ Catalan – Sardinian / Language and languages – Sardinia / Catalan in teaching – Sardinia

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00000041_Entre-cantos-y-llantosEntre cantos y llantos : tradición oral sikuani = Wajaliwaisianü : Sikuani Piatiriwi Pexi Tsipaeba [‘Amongst songs and tear: Sikuani oral tradition‘]/ Francesc Queixalós, Rosalba Jiménez (compilers)

Date of publication: 2010

Publisher: Bogotá, Fundación Etnollano

Keywords: Oral tradition – Colombia / Guajíbo (Amerindian People)

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00000099_Net'aa_chonaarawedaNet’aa chonaara weda nepiripata p’edaa : tradición oral del pueblo épera [Oral tradition of the Epera people] / [linguistic assistants:] Wilson Poirama, Lina Quiroz, Belarmino Chiripua, Yolanda Capena ; Jorge Gómez Rendón (ed.)

Date of publication: 2009

Publisher: Barcelona, Càtedra UNESCO de Diversitat Lingüística i Cultural

Keywords:  Amerindian folktales / Oral tradition – South America

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00000100El Diari «La Vida» (La Habana 1900-1913) [The newspaper «La Vida»*, Havana 1900-1913] / edited by Joan Miralles Monserrat and Honorat Jaume Font; preface by Núria Gregori; with the collaboration of Jorge Domingo, Perfecto Quadrado and Rafael Viñas

Date of publication: 2009

Publisher: Barcelona, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat

Keywords: La Vida (Newspaper) / Cuban newspapers – History – 20th century

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Ugütaerü'ü y tikunaarüUgütaerü’u y tikunaarü. Cagü’ü arü natchiga. Oregü arü u?gü

Date of publication: 2007
Language: tikuna

Keywords: Folktales / Indigenous – Amazonas (Brazil)

 The book is divided into three parts: the first includes sung stories that were recorded on a CD; the second part includes stories created by and for children and, lastly, the third part includes stories written by and dedicated to young people and adults. The stories are told by the Tinuka and written by the Tikuna language teachers who collaborated on the Tikuna language and culture revitalization project in Manaus.

The publication is intended to be material that underpins the activities of teaching and learning this indigenous language.

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Wahemeikowo_tuerut_ahekoWahemeikowo tuerût aheko

Date of publication: 2007
Language: sateré-maué

Keyword: Folk tales

A collection of stories about everyday events in the life of the Sateré-Mawé. The stories were produced as part of writing courses for indigenous teachers.

The book serves as an aid for indigenous teachers in mother tongue teaching at schools in the indigenous area and also at urban schools for mother tongue revitalization (Parintins and Manaus).

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On the Margins of Nations: Endangered Languages and Linguistic Rights : proceedings of the eighth FEL Conference : Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain, 1-3 October 2004 / editors: Joan A. Argenter & R. McKenna Brown

Date of publication: 2004

Publisher: Bath, Foundation for Endangered Languages. Conference (8th)

 Keywords: Linguistic minorities  – Conferences /Linguistic minorities- Law and legislation – Conferences

Proceedings of the 8th FEL Conference: ‘On the Margins of Nations: Endangered languages and Linguistic Rights’.

Despite the broadness of its title, the books addresses three main issues:

1) Linguistic policies from bottom-up activism to top-down institutional policies: how are linguistic rights recognised and, if necessary, enforced? How can communities act to protect them?

2) Interaction between the global and the local in terms of linguistic rights —international, national and local: to what extent are national policies consistent with universal declarations and international treaties? How are identities re-defined in post-nationalist discourses?

3) Crossing of boundaries between endangered languages and linguistic rights: which rights have to be kept and which obligations have to be accepted in diasporas, in divided linguistic communities and in places where languages are spoken by a group of immigrant people?

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Enenlhet Apaivona : Nentegiai’a negiangveiakmoho neliatekamaha Enenlhet Apaivoma : guide for learning Toba as mother tongue

Author: Unruh, Ernesto ; Kalisch, Hannes ; Romero, Manolo
Date of publication: 2003 cop.

Publisher: Ya’alve Saanga, Negvaamquescama Nempayvaam Enlhet

Collection: Biblioteca paraguaya de antropología ; 43

Keyword: Toba language

The book is a teaching introduction to the Toba language (enenlhet / enlhet). This bilingual guide is designed to help teachers and students in their task of language revitalization in the Toba communities. It reviews the basic features of Toba grammar and how they are used in their natural context.

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